Copy and Paste Bricks Sections and Elements aims to provide copy-paste JSON code of sections, elements and other pre-built designs for users of Bricks Builder.
ACF Gallery in Dynamic Lightbox using BricksExtras
December 6, 2023
A grid of posts, where each post card when clicked, opens a lightbox displaying images from the respective post's Gallery-type…Category: BricksExtrasRead more →
Synced Testimonials Slider using ACF and BricksExtras
November 28, 2023
Element: Pro Slider from BricksExtras. A slider that shows a post's custom field's text at the top with its corresponding…Category: BricksExtrasRead more →
A Basic Posts Query Loop
November 22, 2023
A simple unordered list of the latest posts' titles. What gets copied: SectionCategory: Query LoopRead more →
Bricks Slider (Nestable) with Partial View
November 22, 2023
Posts carosel showing half of the next slide next to the active one. What gets copied: Section. The size of the…Category: ElementsRead more →
Posts Grouped by Categories
November 13, 2023
A posts query loop inside a categories query loop. What gets copied: Section.Category: Query LoopRead more →
CSS Counter for Query Loop
October 7, 2023
A query loop with automatically incrementing numbers for the list items using CSS Counter. What gets copied: Section.Category: Query LoopRead more →
Carousel with Large Center Slide
September 27, 2023
Element: Pro Slider from BricksExtras. A carousel with zoomed-in center slide. What gets copied: Section. Reference BricksExtrasRead more →
Dynamic Posts Lightbox – Grid
August 21, 2023
Needs BricksExtras to be installed and active with this element enabled: Dynamic Lightbox. What gets copied: Section. Clicking the featured image + post title…Category: BricksExtrasRead more →
Post-Specific Info in Offcanvas
August 15, 2023
A list of post titles which when clicked shows the clicked post's info (title, featured image and excerpt) in an…Read more →